OSCE questions for MBBS 09/14

1. Prescription

Scenario: Mr. Rizal bin Mohammad (RN: ) 50 years old with history of DM, HPT, and hypercholesterolemia. On examination and ix , BP =130/80, HbA1c 6.3% . He is on Metformin 500mg two times per day, Perindopril 2mg morning once, Simvastatin 20mg on night. Please write a prescription to him until next follow up in 1 months.

2. Cannula insertion 

Scenario: You as a housemen in ward need to do IV cannulation to a patient with Crohn’s disease who need IV saline infusion. Please do this procedure and treat this manikin as real patient. Question by doctor: What is the name of the vein? 2. Give me two complications that may arise from this procedure.

3. ABG interpretation

Findings : Metabolic acidosis with partial respiratory compensation

a) What is your interpretation

b) Calculate the anion gap

c) What causes for such anion gap

4. Insulin injection

Scenario: This patient have DM Type 2 on two OAD, Metformin and Gliclazide. HbA1c 9% .You want to start him on insulin insultard 6unit on night.

Please demonstrate/educate patient on how to use novopen 4.

5. Radio Imaging –

a) Congestive cardiac failure (Calculate cardiothoracic ratio, 2 findings on film: blunted costophrenic angle, what is your dx)

b) Perforated bowel (Gas under bilateral diaphragm, pneumoperitoneum)

6. Anterior shoulder dislocation. Given Right shoulder xray.

1) Give me your diagnosis.

2) Perform neurovascular examination for this patient.

3) what is your management.

7. GCS assessment. Ahmad Ali lives at taman medan, pj involved in MVA. Please assess GCS on him.

On examination: (Eye opening on voice, confused/disoriented verbal response, able to obey commands)

Question by doctor: 1) Two screening x-rays 2) Is a CT Brain needed? Yes or No

8. This pt has low mood for 6 months. Please assess depressive symptoms.

9. Otomycosis. (Aspergillus niger) 3 Findings.  3 complaints. Management.

10. Tracheostomy (Change of trachy tube, perform on mannequin)

11. Papilloedema (Grade 4 hypertensive retinopathy)  4 Findings. 2 possible causes. 2 other clinical exam.

12. Paediatric vital signs and fluid balance chart:

pt c/o headache and facial swelling

Findings : high BP,pain score fluctuating, weight 20kg, total urine output 600ml, input 1000ml

2 problems, calculate urine output and comment, one drug to give

13. Papanicolaou smear:

Exhibit A : Cytobrush

Exhibit B : Ayre’s spatula

Name Exhibit A & B, Gynaecological indication, 5 risks factor for gynae malignancy, 1 prevention

14. Defibrillation for pulseless VT (perform on mannequin)

15. Visual field Examination (Perform on patient)

Findings : Right homonymous hemianopia

16. Right tension pneumothorax. Pt with SOB, hypotension and severe right chest pain.

a) What is the dx?

b) 3 clinical signs

c) Immediate treatment?

d) Explain how you perform the procedure


-Unlucky Student

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